Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Frustrations Run High for SBHOA Exco Member

Frustrations Run High for SBHOA Exco Member George Zaverdinos regarding the #Vodacom Tower!
The status of the Vodacom tower is as follows:
Vodacom is still waiting for the city electrical department to provide electricity to the tower. Vodacom has paid R200k in July for this but is still waiting.
One of our Exco members, George Zaverdinos, after being asked to by Vodacom, has been in communication with city management to assist in this matter.
George says: “it’s been extremely frustrating dealing with the politicians and managers in this matter. I tried the nice approach at first (going via our new ward councilor) but soon figured I needed a more direct and hard approach. However, nothing seems to work. The politicians have their own priorities and they decide when to act. How long before we have a functional Vodacom signal? Well, my guess is by March next year”.