Wednesday, November 13, 2019


According to DVP an interdict application is due to be heard on 3 December 2019:

Seven homeless people have brought an application against the City asking for an order that the City be prevented from interfering with all homeless people, including removal of their property and the enforcement of fines.

Please see below (scroll down) the first two pages and link to the founding papers submitted to the court by the DVP group (
Devils Peak Vredehoek Neighborhood Watch).

Friday, November 1, 2019

Pls Do Not Feed The Wildlife


Feeding waterfowl and other birds such as guinea fowl is a popular activity for some people. Tossing food like bread, table scraps, corn or popcorn attracts ducks, geese and other birds to places like dams, parks and ponds.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Halloween 2019

Halloween is here and we are going to have some fun.

(Due to rain forecast, the event has been moved to 9 Nov)
9 Nov 2019
16h00 - 18h00         Trick or Treating
18h00 - 19h00 Picnic & Prize Giving

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Artificial Intelligence is now able to tell you when you need to beef up your security


Artificial intelligence (AI) is no longer a futuristic, fictional concept. The truth is we are living in the future now. We are living in the fourth industrial revolution, digitisation, and the security industry is embracing digital transformation.
So how is AI changing the security industry? Security companies are using AI and Internet of Things (IoT) in a variety of creative ways. For example, in 2017 Fidelity ADT partnered with an international leader in its field to bring SecureConnect to the market. This is an alarm system with connected features like smart plugs and switches, cameras and an app. It uses geolocation to determine if you are home or not and AI to suggest when you should arm your alarm if you are away from home. The system learns your behaviour over time. This includes when you arm and disarm your alarm, which doors you use and even how long they stay open. After a couple of weeks of learning, the system will notify you of any unusual behaviour, such as doors left open or forgetting to arm the alarm.
Along with that Fidelity ADT designed, built and patented an IoT communicator that collects alarm information from your alarm panel, including all alarm signals, AC failures and battery discharge rates. There is a learning algorithm that will determine when your battery will fail based on discharge rates, this will give us the ability to pro-actively replace your battery before it fails, ensuring continuance of service. We currently have over 12 000 of these communicators deployed countrywide.
AI is also being used in community CCTV projects. Cameras are being deployed in communities that have the ability to learn what certain vehicles, people or behaviour looks like and can notify the contact centre if there is unusual behaviour. This increases our ability to respond pro-actively and we have already seen great results with this system.

Source: ADT

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Sunset Beach HOA Easter Egg Hunt Winners

Sunset Beach Home Owners Association hosted yet another successful Easter Egg Hunt Event this year.  The community children (and parents may we add!) had a wonderful time searching for hidden prizes and eggs on the beach.

Every child also received a little hamper and colouring in competition on the day.  Thank you to the sponsor of this lovely initiative (Mrs Adele Werth) who announced the winners this week.

Congratulations to the future artists in the making all the way from Sunset Beach.  We hope to see you all again next year.

A final thank you to everyone who helped make this day a reality, which includes but not limited to:
SBHOA Committee members:
Vanessa Maree, Marc Maree and Sonet Soothill
Sponsors of prizes and marketing materials:
Rawson Properties, Pam Golding, Rhosigns Neon, Glowing Rooms and Lolipops.
Meeting venue sponsor:
Atlantic Breeze Guest House
A big thank you for everyone who joined in on the fun.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

The 2019 Cape Town Bucket List

Another year has come to an end, and here at the Cape Town Tourism offices, we’re ready to stride into 2019. When you live in one of most beautiful cities on earth, it’s not hard to find ways to make your future more exciting, fulfilling, and fun. We asked the Cape Town Tourism team to name some of the things they’d love to do before the next year is over. Here is a list of 52 things to do in Cape Town in 2019—one for every week—to make it your most memorable year yet.
For discounts and free entry to loads of Cape Town’s top attractions, get your City Pass now!